Green transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina – with specific reference to carbon footprint taxation


Publisher: Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Context of Bosnia and Herzegovina has become a necessity due to increasingly pronounced global environmental challenges and the need for sustainable development. This paper is based on an analysis of the state of the Bosnian economy in light of these challenges, providing insight into the country’s current position on the path towards green transition. Special emphasis is placed on the CBAM Regulation and its role in international trade of goods, as well as on the results of the survey “READY FOR CBAM?”, which explores the views of companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina on this mechanism. The goal is to examine the perspectives of Bosnian entrepreneurs and government institutions in the light of rapid changes brought about by the green transition, and to offer guidelines for further steps towards balancing economic development and environmental protection. Following a detailed analysis of these aspects, conclusions and recommendations stemming from the research will be presented.

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