Green PSD Navigator


In recent years, it’s been increasingly recognised that current economic growth is environmentally unsustainable. Green Growth, which means promoting economic development that ensures preservation of natural capital and maintenance of ecosystem services, has therefore emerged as a topic of growing interest and support in PSD programmes. A multitude of initiatives, networks and organisations have adopted the concept of Green Growth in recent years, in particular following the 2012 Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development. Different approaches and tools have been designed and tested in the field by implementation agencies worldwide. However, the large diversity of approaches, partly explained by the variety in aspirations of donors and interventions, calls for a mapping and classification that makes it easier to share and compare lessons learnt, select suitable approaches and tools for Green PSD programmes, and to prevent duplication of efforts. The Green PSD Navigator seeks to fill this current knowledge gap with regard to existing resources. It’s based on the DCED Green Growth Working Group’s initiative of creating an overview of green growth approaches and tools, and builds on the extensive collection of previous DCED publications.

The Green PSD Navigator is a publication by the Green Growth Working Group of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development, commissioned and funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

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